Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The whole Prince Fielder thing is taken care of.  He signed a 9 year 214 million dollar contract with the Detroit Tigers yesterday.  The Tigers came out of nowhere.  We'd heard rumors of Nationals, Rangers, Orioles, and a few others everyonce in a while, but we'd heard nothing about Detroit.  It's a tad peculiar just because the Tigers have Miguel Cabrera at 1B, but I'm assuming he'll now move to 3B on a part-time basis and DH a lot.  Things will get crowded later in the year if Victor Martinez is able to return from his torn ACL.  That also creates a roster that is far too crowded with 1B/DH types in the years to come.  I think it's an awful long term contract, and actually I think it's an awful contract beginning in 2013, but for this upcoming season it's hard to not see the Detroit Tigers as one of the favorites in the American League.  It's also a little crazy considering that all signs seem to point that the Tigers general manager Dave Dombrowski didn't know much about the deal.  It comes off as a situation where the owner wanted to win a championship before he died, so he put in money for one big title shot in 2012.  I'm not saying they won't be positioned to be a contender after the 2012 season, but the roster and payroll situations will be really complicated after this season.  Mitch Moreland can sleep peacefully tonight.  He's in line to be the Rangers starting 1B for the 2012 season, although we all know Michael Young will get plenty of time there.  That's to the links...

Click the link for a penis joke.
Some of the greatest tweets known to man.  This kid was kicked out of high school and had his Michigan football scholarship pulled.  Colorado gave him a scholarship though, so it's all good.  Click the link for wild tweets from a talented black guy.
It's incredibly stupid that they nominate so many films for best picture.  I hate the Academy Awards.  Maybe it's my lack of inspiration to watch movies, but i'm just really down on the film industry in general.  That being said, i'm always interested and looking for good movies to watch.  I've seen none of these movies, but here's the list of nominees for best picture of 2011.

The Artist: Silent and also black and white.  I'm out.
The Descendants:  I'm interested.  Heard it's really depressing, but one of the people who wrote it is Jim Rash who is Dean Pelton on Community.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close:  Seems really sad.  I'm out.
The Help:  It's like an Oprah club movie, according to Donovan.
Hugo:  Scorsese, so i'm intrigued but i'll never watch it.
Midnight in Paris:  Woody Allen makes Woody Allen movies, which means i'm not going to watch because Woody Allen movies are like all Woody Allen movies and i've already seen a couple Woody Allen Movies.
Moneyball:  I need to see it soon.
The Tree of Life:  Brad Pitt is in it or something I think.  I have no idea.  I won't watch it.
War Horse:  This will not be viewed by my eyes.
I have talked about my frustration for the way NBC has treated Community, and now more than ever I am fearing for it's place on the network after this season.  NBC ordered a bunch of pilots for Fall 2012-Spring 2013 and a lot of them are sitcoms.
The AV Club does a yearly bit of getting 25 bands to cover 25 songs.  Get your vote in by tomorrow.,67846/

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