Saturday, September 15, 2012


Next Tuesday’s release of “Battle Born” marks the Killers first album since 2008’s “Day and Age”.  In 2010 we were presented with the largely underrated “Flamingo”, a solo project by Brandon Flowers. Last year, drummer Ronnie Vannucci completed a record entitled “Big Talk” by his side band under the same name.  They termed “Battle Born” their “difficult” fourth record, and the final product is something that is clearly distinct. The Killers have a meandering sound that’s usually indefinable, but take away the vocals and the casual fan could probably pick out that it’s The Killers. 
On “Battle Born” they turn everything up. Their first CD “Hot Fuss” had plenty of guitar live-action, but it was also heavily covered with the keyboard skills of Flowers.  Their follow-up and best work to date “Sam’s Town” was a pure rock record. “Day and Age” was a bit off the beaten path, but still a solid record. I kind of refer to it as the bastard step-child of “Hot Fuss”.  To me “Battle Born” is Sam’s Towns nephew. It looks up to Sam’s Town, like young kids might possibly look up to their uncle. 
They stick to what they do. Songs about America, cars, young love, heartbreak, and songs with powerful anthem style rock choruses. It’s The Killers. It’s what they do. It’s called the way it is.  Here’s the track by track…
1. Flesh and Bone 8/10
A great opener, with a punch in the face of Roy Jones Jr. in his prime.  This song definitely has room to grow live.  I didn’t like the lead single “Human” from “Day and Age”, and I still don’t like that song, but “Flesh and Bone” is “Human” on crack with more guitar. 

2. Runaways 9/10
The lead single is definitely one that will hang out with “When You Were Young” when it comes to catching everybody’s ear. It’s a wonderful song, and probably a little simple musically, but it’s classic Killers.  Flowers probably urinates catch choruses.

3. The Way It Was 8/10
Remember how I was saying that when Brandon Flowers pees, a little bit of awesome chorus comes out? Well, yeah it must be true. Great song, and classic Killers format. Tease you with the verse, and suck you in with the chorus.
4. Here With Me 5/10
Not one of my favorite songs on the album, but I understand it’s appeal. I think a lot of people will like this, and it could have single written all over it. Of course, most Killers do.  I just thought it kind of dragged in the middle. It’s a pillow-puncher. It’s a tearjerker if you’re the emotional type…..not me………….
5. A Matter of Time 3/10
Sounds like something that would have been on “Sawdust”. I’m not a huge fan of this song right now.
6. Deadlines and Commitments 6/10
Not to be repetitive, but this sounds like something that would have been on the tail end of “Flamingo”.  I dig the song a lot, but it was less like The Killers than some of the other cuts on the album.
7. Miss Atomic Bomb 6/10
Pretty powerful track with a booming chorus.  It kind of reminded me of “A Dustland Fairytale”. Just another song on this disc that follows the mold of ramping up the guitars and vocals.

8. The Rising Tide 8/10
This low self-esteemed reporter thinks that this song is possibly a B-side from Sam’s Town, but one can’t really ever know that.  Quick, punchy, and good.
9. Heart of a Girl 7/10
A sweet song that ends up pretty extravagant.  More resemblance to “Flamingo” here.
10. From Here On Out 6/10
This one had an almost country feel with the slide effects on the guitar.  “Big Talk” influence is pretty evident on this one.
11. Be Still 3/10
Undoubtedly, my least favorite song on “Battle Born”.  It could be a grower though.
12. Battle Born 10/10
The title track is pretty much perfect. A great way to end the album, and a perfectly produced track all the way around.

Carry You Home 7/10
Love the themes of death, and being okay with death. The guitar riff is fantastic too.
Flesh and Bone Remix 8/10
I'm not dubstep/techno/dance club music guy really, but this remix was done masterfully.
Prize Fighter 4/10
Definitely a reason this song is an extra. Kind of silly, in fact really corny.
While it’s not Sam’s Town, and I won’t have it ranked higher than Hot Fuss, I do think it’s better than their previous work Day and Age. I like Day and Age, but it’s just my least favorite album of theirs. I like this CD. It took me a few listens, but I really like it. It’s just another group of songs that will translate well in a live atmosphere. I’ve always been amazed at The Killers ability to stay incredibly indie, while also being mainstream, but not to the extent of selling out and going with the current trends of Top 40 music. Now, more than ever, I stand back and am still amazed at this band’s ability to pump out powerful, infectious 4 minute pop-rock songs, while still not getting away from the meaning of the songs. Gwen Stefani’s “Hollaback Girl” was catchy, but it was pointless. That’s one example of many. The Killers’ songs are catchy, but there is a direction and a beauty to their craft.
For me, this album ranks in the lower half of their discography, but it’s still a creative work of art that I’ll spin until I die.

1 comment:

  1. the first chorus makes it so promising then after 2:06 its like none of the instruments wants to keep the power in the song
