Saturday, December 17, 2011

2011 Albums of the Year

It's that time of year again.  You know, the time when everybody thinks they have to make a list in order to form some type of ranking about who is better than who and about what is better than what.  I won't lie though.  I like lists.  I think they are largely unimportant.  There are so many different rules and criteria that you can use, and therefore lists basically tell us nothing except our personal opinion about how something ranks against other things.  That being said, here's my criteria....this is list is the Top 10 Albums that I enjoyed the most in 2011.  I won't write at length about all of them because that'd be a beating for me and because nobody is reading this.

1. Big Talk-Big Talk

The debut album from Big Talk, which is the band led by the drummer of The Killers, Ronnie Vannucci was an album that didn't gain a lot of critical acclaim.  Maybe it shouldn't have, I don't know.  It does kind of show that 2011 was sort of a weak year of music as far as i'm concerned, because I didn't like this better than "Flamingo" by Brandon Flowers (The Killers' leadsinger).  It's not an important album, but I do think it's a great mix of pretty much every style of music that I like besides maybe Jazz.  It's a good mix of Indie, Folk, Rock, and New Wave. All I know is I liked it, and it makes me eager for The Killers upcoming album in 2012. 
2. Jared Mees & The Grown Children-Only Good Thoughts Can Stay

I knew absolutely nothing about this band until early 2011.  Indie Rock with horns is something i'll always have a soft spot for.  I'm also in love with chaos and moving parts, but to the point that it isn't noise pollution.  This is a harmonic group, and they keep it together nicely even though there's so much going on.  Not chaotic like The Polyphonic Spree, but it is still a lot going on.  My favorite song from the album, "Hungry Like A Tiger" is posted below.  Give it more than one chance, because it definitely took me a little while to warm up to what this band has to offer.  Very cool album.
3. The Decemberists-The King is Dead

This album came out so early in 2011 that I almost forgot it was elgible.  This is a fantastic rebound to what was a pretty terrible "Hazards of Love" album.  This is a more folky side of The Decemberists, although it clearly touches waters that the band has scaled before.  It reminded me of Colin Meloy's old project "Tarkio". 
4. Death Cab for Cutie-Codes and Keys

A somewhat happy effort from the normally depressant Death Cab for Cutie.  A lot of this hinges from most of the songs on this album being written while Ben Gibbard was at the apex of his relationship with Zooey Deschanel.  Too bad that's not apparently working out.  I had the pleasure of seeing Death Cab for the 2nd time this summer.  I saw them back in 2008 after the release of Narrow Stairs and I was quite disapointed.  I don't know if it was an atmosphere or vantage point thing, but they were phenomenal this summer.  I wonder what is next for them.  One might guess that Ben will go back to writing depressing songs due to the big split up with "The New Girl".  It's not my favorite song on the album (Doors Unlocked and Opened), but here is a song written by Ben for Zooey called "Monday Morning"
5. The Black Keys-El Camino

I have to admit i'm not the biggest Black Keys fan.  I like this album, and that'll probably make the diehard Black Keys fans hate me.  I don't think i'm being a poser, but I listened to the album and I liked it.  I listened to it a few more times and I still liked it.  I know what they do (or did), and I know what their entire catalog is all about, but I wouldn't dare call myself a diehard, or a dedicated fan.  I like them, and I liked this album.  I also think the video for "Lonely Boy" is absolute genius.
6. Say Hi-Um, Uh Oh

A band that always flys under the radar with me.  I can't ever get a grip on how I feel about them.  I find myself either really liking or really hating most of their songs even though they don't necessarily produce polarizing content.  I liked this album a lot, but anytime a Say Hi album is in my top 10, then you know it was a weak year for music by my music taste. 

7. Pete and the Pirates-One Thousand Pictures

I've liked this band since around 2007 or 2008.  "Half Moon Street", "United", and "Come to the Bar" which is seen below will all be up in the running for my top 50 tracks of the year.  This album is their most serious album to date and definitely their most grown up effort.  It's a good listen for anyone that feasts on indie rock. 
8. Peter, Bjorn & John-Gimme Some

They scored a big single on this album just as they did in their previous album with "Young Folks".  This time it's "Second Chance".  I'm not completely sure what they are going for over all.  Sometimes I think they want to be The Black Keys, and sometimes I think they want to experiment.  I'd have a greater feel if I had seen them live, so screw me.  This album is a nice listen, there was only one song on the album that I absolutely don't like.  Enjoy the buildup of "Down Like Me".
9. The Head and the Heart-The Head and the Heart

Let's bring it on down a little bit.  I feel like they probably get a little more into things live, but for the most part this is a soft album.  I compare it to some of the Avett Brother's newer and slower stuff. 
10. Cake-Showroom of Compassion

I kind of thought the days of Cake albums making my yearend Top 10 list were over, but they strike back in 2011 with Showroom of Compassion.  I put this more on the weak year of music, but i'm sure they'll be glad to take the 10 spot.  That's not a shot at them, because seriously I dig the living crap out of this album.  A couple duds, but i'm leniant.  It was the lead turd of their album, but it is so Cake, I mean seriously this is classic catchy Cake.  Yum.

Fleet Foxes-Helplessness Blues
The Strokes-Angles
Telekinesis-12 Desperate Straight Lines
Frank Turner-England Keeps My Bones
Portugal The Man-In The Mountain, In The Cloud
Tapes N' Tapes-Outside
Middle Brother-Middle Brother
Man Man-Life Fantastic
Red Hot Chili Peppers-I'm With You

Much to look forward to in 2012.  The Killers, The Shins, hopefully a new Modest Mouse!  There will be more.  There will be fun.  Rock!


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