Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Much like Chaz' mom on "The Wedding Crashers", I never know what Jack White is doing.  The Racontuers are probably a top 20 band for me, even though they've only released two albums.  I really like The White Stripes, although they won't make any favorite band or favorite album lists of mine.  On his debut solo album "Blunderbuss", we find Jack to be either doing a bit, or bringing a lot of past demons to the table.  I coudl be wrong here, but it really seems like Jack White is lashing out at his ex-wife/sister Meg White.  Recent comments of his revealed that Meg was kind of the control freak in The White Stripes arrangement, and this album definitely backs up his comments.  That's the part of this album that I love, or at least love to pretend is happening.  He could very easily have no vitriol towards Meg or his other ex-wife, but it definitely seems that way.  Then again, Jack is a really weird guy.  I mean almost obnoxiously weird.  There are times, when I feel like he's trying to hard to be the Johnny Depp of indie rock music when he really doesn't need to do that because everybody knows he is the Johnny Depp of indie rock music.

This album ventures into almost every genre you can imagine, and I think it's a pretty good listen but maybe i'm a victim of having high expectations.  While it's definitely not a bad album, it lacks something.  There's a certain punch I was expecting to be packed and it just wasn't.  What saves this album for me, is the hope that he really is lashing out at Meg or other women that have been a part of his life.  That's where the drama lies in this thing.  He says the album has nothing to do about anything or anybody, but it's fun to imagine right?  Here's a track by track...

MISSING PIECES: Figuratively, he speaks of getting his legs and arms cut off.  That's pretty cool right?  I guess it doesn't have to be a woman, but it seems like he's singing about a cold hard bitch or at least somebody that has betrayed him.  It's a really good way to start the album off.  Upbeat, catchy, and fun.  That's how I like my album openers.

SIXTEEN SALTINES:  The most White Stripes type song on the album in my opinion.  I see the "Who's Jealous, Who's Jealous, Who's Jealous of who?" line as him screaming at Meg, but that's probably completely irresponsible on my part.  Great song!!!

FREEDOM AT 21:  The guitar riff is simple but I find it pretty pleasing.  There is layered drumming on this song and it is such a beating.  It gives me headaches.  I'm not sure why it's even there, as it doesn't add anything except unwanted noise and clutter.  It seems as this song is possibly a calling to youth to get off their iPads and smartphones.

LOVE INTERRUPTION:  Acoustic guitar with a touch of keyboard and a female backup singer.  It contains lyrics of some of the most awful things you can think of, but I think the idea he's going for is that love can conquer all of these awful things so he wants to challenge them with love.  I don't know man, it's Jack White we're talking about.  I never know what he's doing.

BLUNDERBUSS:  The steel guitar makes it's first appearance on the title track.  I found this song to be extremely boring, but the good news is that every song is wrapped up in about 3 minutes or so which makes the boring ones pass quickly.  It's a pretty song I guess, but a sleeper.

HYPOCRITICAL KISS:  Wonderful keyboarding on this track.  Again, a song that really goes nowhere but this one hits hard lyrically.  It's hard for me not to see these lyrics aimed directly at Meg's temple...."You would sell your mother out, and then betray your dead brother with a hypocritical kiss."  Whoa.

WEEP THEMSELVES TO SLEEP:  Welcome back to really upbeat music.  Fun song, and sounds like a Raconteurs track.  A classic Jack White type solo takes over at the 3 minute mark.  It doesn't standout, but it's a solid track.

I'M SHAKIN':  It's about Samson and Delilah and that kind of beats me down because it seems like that's an extremely overused cliche relationship to sing about.  Who cares though, because this song is freaking awesome.  An extremely old school rockabilly type vibe.  Fun.  Love it.

TRASH TONGUE TALKER:  More upbeat music!  Remember the song on Tommy Bob where his dad dies at the wedding?  I forget what it's called, but I know it's a classic.  Well, that's kind of what the breakdown on this song sounds like.  I dig this one!

HIP (EPONYMOUS) POOR BOY:  Man, it's going to take a lot of convincing to make me believe that this song isn't aimed at Meg.  One thing that needs to be known to the casual fan is that Jack White's real last name is not White.  He took Meg's name when they married.  Check out these lyrics.  "And I'll be using your name, but I'll be happy for you, cause you got nothing to do".  They must have had a bitter go of things.  Couldn't have been easy.  Meg having to be around him so much even after divorce and he's got hotter chicks around him, including a hot wife at one point.  Jack, probably realizing that Meg was holding him back due to her limited rhythmic ability.  I can only imagine how crazy shit got.  Man, this song is for her and it's a good.

I GUESS I SHOULD GO TO SLEEP:  I get the feeling this is put after "Hip Poor Boy" on the album kind of as a "oh i've said too much" statement.  Did I mention it's two and a half minutes of boredom?

ON AND ON AND ON:  Worst track on the album.  Boring.  No direction.

TAKE ME WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO:  The album closer starts out with a fun little piano riff, and a nice buildup with the drums.  The violin makes a rare featured appearance, followed by a pretty badass guitar breakdown.  This is not a bad way to close the album, and definitely one of my favorite tracks.  A love song I think?  Again, the common theme of me never knowing what the hell Jack White is doing.

So there it is.  My review of "Blunderbuss".  My favorite tracks are Missing Pieces, SIXTEEN SALTINES, Hypocritical Kiss, Weep Themselves To Sleep, I'M SHAKIN', Trash Tongue Talker, HIP (EPONYMOUS) POOR BOY, and TAKE ME WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO.

What generic grading scale can I use?  Uhhhh, let's just go with the out of 100 method.  Like grade school.  I give this album a 65.  I expected better, but that doesn't mean it's bad.  Overall, it's pretty good I guess. I think.  Hell, I don't know.

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